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9:31 PM 5/21/2 ()
There were stark hibiscus and a view of the inlet.
Early boaters and easy chatter and daily fear.
	--Karen Volkman, Theft
1:41 PM 4/24/2 ()
Year Zero the mistakes have yet to be invented and music--
       	well it comes down to inventing flowers.
	--Joshua Clover, Year Zero
5:19 PM 4/2/2 ()
Time to plant tears, says the almanac.
The grandmother sings to the marvelous stove
and the child draws another inscrutable house.
	--Elizabeth Bishop, Sestina
11:58 AM 3/27/2 ()
The wit
Of circumstance which made that mind-- alive 

Unwriting, and naive--
Record its own demise on paper
As a flat brain wave. 
	--Allen Grossman, The Department
4:49 PM 3/20/2 ()
"We'll never know," said Char, and ate a strawberry.
	--Alice Munro, from Something I've Been 
	Meaning to Tell You
12:02 AM 3/11/2 ()
If I lived in a railroad car,
I could keep an eye on the weather,
The clouds a gallery of passing obsessions.
I could interpret things that way.
	--Lucie Brock-Broido, Magnum Mysterium
10:49 PM 3/7/2 ()
Lightning follows me 
And then thunder and, soon enough, the rain. 
	--Allen Grossman, Thunderstruck

11:12 AM 3/7/2 ()
"The situation is liquid," he said. "We hold the south 
quarter and they hold the north quarter. The rest is
	--Donald Barthelme, The Indian Uprising
10:05 PM 2/25/2 ()
I wake to the waking "shadow" of the world the waking have 
in common for one long visit slowly
	--Lyn Hejinian, Slowly

12:16 PM 2/11/2 ()
"Follow me," the voice, the long, longed-for voice stops
the writing hand. "I have your shoes."
	--CD Wright, in our only time.

>> Previously <<
10/25/01 through 2/6/02
9/10/01 through 10/25/01
photos by rebecca lowell