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10:10 PM 11/25/2 ()
					     no matter
that our indifference could not be exaggerated
too much to turn backwards even once
or sent home weeping in the dark on a tireless bicycle
	--Don Hymans, Facing South by True North
12:40 PM 10/31/2 ()
Then I think of you in bed,
your tongue half chocolate, half ocean
	--Anne Sexton, Eighteen Days Without You
12:11 PM 9/17/2 ()
Story is
one way to interpret experience.
What's really happening? Not
story. Not
participles. Not sentences
made from unexpected parts.
	--Alice Notley, Do You Want to Be 
	Excellent an a Actress No Not That Either
10:41 AM 9/10/2 ()
die soon, Love. If
what you have for
yourself, does not
stretch to your body's
(Where, without
music trails, or your fingers
from my arm
	--Amiri Baraka, Balboa, the Entertainer
4:47 PM 9/9/2 ()
Night is as night is, without hands..
	--Li-Young Lee, Winged Seed
2:51 PM 8/1/2 ()
The Word has been abroad, is back, with a tanned look 
From its subsistence in the stiffening-mire. 
Cleansing has become killing, the reward 
Touchable, overt, clean to the touch. 
	--Geoffrey Hill, Annunciations
4:14 PM 7/29/2 ()
Beauty is a simple passion,
but, oh my friends, in the end
you will dance the fire dance in iron shoes.
	--Anne Sexton, Snow White and the 
	Seven Dwarfs
2:29 PM 6/19/2 ()
Hush I think now I may
be the future:--

me well & working
at the technology hut,

you floating in a tall,
complimentary glass
	--Ben Doyle, Weathers
2:24 PM 6/11/2 ()
Though I died of love 
followed by a bullet, and lie

on the wrong side of granite, 
I practice telling you

how the light traps the madder 
in your complicated hair.
	--D. Nurske, Walter Green
2:52 PM 5/23/2 ()
I, too, have guessed the joy
of smashing vitreous taboo,
annihilating structure,
letting outside weather in.
	--Jan Clausen, From a Glass House

>> Previously <<
2/11/02 through 5/21/02
10/25/01 through 2/6/02
9/10/01 through 10/25/01
photos by rebecca lowell